Avon Memorial Rededication
Queen Mary Garden, Bath Road SN12 6LP
Sunday, 16 February 2025 • 1:00 pm

Listing of Soldiers
"When I started researching the people listed on local war memorials I felt the constraint of inscriptions etched in stone and marble, or scripted in ink on parchment paper. With computer technology, we have the capability to add their stories, fill in blanks and correct any errors, to truly honour their sacrifice." — Lisa Ellis


The Well House Collection is comprised of documents, ephemera, books, photographs and audio/visual files that chronicle the history of Melksham and surrounding villages in Wiltshire, England.

Acquisitions are privately funded, donated and loaned to be freely seen and used for study by members of the public.

The collection is housed at Well House Manor, in a private residence. Documents, maps, books and transcribed censuses can be freely downloaded by clicking the links on the right sidebar. These files will be a treasured source of information for you researching your family roots, your house history, or just learning about the Melksham area in general and the remarkable people who once lived here.

Do you have items you think would be interesting to others? We accept donations and take items on temporary loan. Do you have old photographs of Melksham? We are happy to scan them for you so your treasures can be enjoyed without the originals becoming damaged. With our knowledge of Photoshop, we might also be able to help repair and supply you with a revised digital file.

The Well House Collection is passionate about Melksham history, and if you are too, and enjoy puzzles, forensics, research and learning, you might want to consider volunteering to help!

See us on Facebook


Including daily updates of "On this day ..." An interesting collection of local births, deaths and newspaper headlines of the day.

Current projects

Updated Monday, 9 February, 2025

  • Kicking off the first of our intended War Memorial listings, we started with the Avon memorial to coincide with the dedication of the structure after it had been removed from the Cooper Tire site (the old Avon Rubber factory) and rehoused at the nearby Queen Mary Garden.
  • Our database now links to spouses and children. And the number of entries continues to grow as we complete the transcription of each parish record.
  • We discovered our size limitation, and, due to public demand, we teamed up with Melksham and District Historical Association with the goal of finding larger premises in town centre. We hope to soon have positive news; stay tuned!
  • 1921 ENGLAND CENSUS: Now complete, and should be uploaded soon. Get in touch if I can help you find your Melksham family in this census in the meantime.
  • RESEARCH: Adding to the database has been ongoing and we're now past 51,0000 local names. Because of the addresses and occupations given in the 1921 census, your relative has now a more complete story.
  • 1841–1911 CENSUSES: Because of constant updates, the current downloads on this site are not up to date. Until I have all these revisions updated and posted, please do email me for a current copy.
  • LECTURES: Upcoming talks -- May 2025 "The Melksham Murderer" and October 2025 -- "The Trials of Rev Barnwell".
  • EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGE: If you have not upodated your records, please note my new email address.
  • Lisa Ellis lisa@sn12.net