Avon Memorial
Queen Mary Garden, Bath Road, Melksham

Avon Memorial

J Adams (1920-)

3/841British Army 3rd Battalion Sergeant Major Germany

John Henry Alford (1886-1917)
JAlford WWI

R/1293Royal Naval Division 189th Brigade Nelson Battalion Able Seaman France

12th General Hospital, died of gunshot wound 28/10/1917 to the buttocks in Battle of Passchendaele died at age 31 Rouen, France
M Arnold (-)
MArnold WWII

Ronald Edward Ashman (1916-1944)
RAshman WWII

308042Royal Artillery 10 Field Medium Lieutenant

in battle, possibly friendly fire died at age 28 Felaise Gap Railway Siding, France
Percy Herbert Charlie Baber (1876-1918)
PBaber WWI

204543Rifle Brigade 22nd Battalion Rifleman

died at age 42
Douglas Summers Moore/Barton (1918-1944)
DBarton WWII

5570931Wiltshire Regiment 5th Battalion Corporal France

died at age 26
Edward Bath (1891-1917)

36772Somerset Light Infantry 7th Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 26 France & Flanders
Albert John Lampy Batten (1888-1917)
ABatten WWI

202935Dorset Regiment 1st/4th Battalion Private Turkey, India

killed in action died at age 28 Mesopotamia (Turkey)
Frederick James Bence (1898-1918)
F JBence WWI

38434Royal Berkshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private France

killed in action died at age 19 France & Flanders
Arthur Thomas Benham (1891-1917)
A T RBenham WWI

291950Devonshire Regiment 9th Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 25 France & Flanders
Herbert Maurice Bird (1913-1945)

1187049Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Aircraftman 1st class

Lancaster bomber crash died at age 32 RAF Hulllavington
John Henry "Jack" Bowden (1898-1917)
J HBowden WWI

R/2506Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Anson Battalion Able Seaman Belgium

wounded & missing; assumed killed in action died at age 19 Paschendaele, Belgium
A Bowery (-)
ABowery WWI

Stanley George Bowyer (1913-1940)
S GBowyer WWII

2321990Wiltshire Regiment Infantry Private Belgium, France

died at age 27
George Frederick Bright (1895-1916)
G FBright WWI

19505Wiltshire Regiment 6th Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 21 France & Flanders
Albert Edward Brittain (1893-1915)
ABrittain WWI

200315Wiltshire Regiment 1st/4th Battalion Private Turkey

died of wounds during war died at age 21 Mesopotamia
Arthur Henry Brown (1917-1943)

556885Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry B Squadron Trooper Italy, Middlle East

died a prisoner of war died at age 25 Italy
John Henry Burton (1923-1944)
J HBurton WWII

163716Royal Air Force 356 Squadron FO Air Bomber India

died at age 21
George Abel Cainey (1892-1918)
GCainey WWI

204640Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Corporal France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 26 France & Flanders
Francis Reginald "Frank" Candy (1892-1917)
F RCandy WWI

265678Somerset Light Infantry 7th Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 25 France
J Chisholm (-)
JChisholm WWII

Herbert Reginald Clift (1891-1916)
H RClift WWI

10556Wiltshire Regiment 5th Battalion Private Turkey

killed in action died at age 24 Mesopotamia (Turkey)
William Joseph John Comley (1895-1917)
W J JComley WWI

200541Wiltshire Regiment 1st/4th Battalion Private Egypt

died of wounds from war died at age 22 Egypt
H E Crew (-)

George Christopher Curnick (1897-1916)
G CCurnick WWI

18919Wiltshire Regiment 5th Battalion Private Turkey

missing, reported killed in action died at age 18 Mesopotamia (Turkey)
Ernest Alfred Day (1897-1916)

301846London Regiment Rifle Brigade 5th (City of London) Battalion Rifleman France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 18 France
Albert Edward Dodimead (1892-1915)
ADodimead WWI

3/5802Devonshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private Belgium

killed in action died at age 23 Ostellorn, Belgium
Edward John Drew (1892-1918)

14899Royal Dublin Fusiliers 2nd Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 26 France & Flanders
Arthur Francis Duck (1897-1916)

24891Gloucestershire Regiment 14th Battalion Lance Corporal France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 18 France
William Randolph Edwards (1916-1944)
W REdwards WWII

1607130Royal Air Force Bomber Command, Halifax Ii Sergt-Navigator

injuries from accident while on active service died at age 28 Yorkshire Hospital, England
William Richard Elmes (1898-1916)
A T RElmes WWI

R/16894Kings Royal Rifle Corps 16th Battalion Rifleman France, Flanders

died of wounds from war died at age 17 France & Flanders
John Kenneth "Jack" Escott (1919-1943)
K REscott WWII

5570453Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private South Africa

long illness died at age 23 South Africa
J H Eyles (-)

William Thomas Ferris (1896-1918)
TFerris WWI

1236Prince of Wales Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) 2nd Battalion Corporal France, Belgium

died of wounds from war died at age 22 France & Flanders
Charles Fortune (1881-1917)
CFortune WWI

33158Royal Hampshire 15th Battalion Private France, Belgium

died of wounds from war died at age 35 France & Flanders
Walter George Gaby (1896-1918)

12295Wiltshire Regiment 7th Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 22 France & Flanders
Peter Frederick Gale (1925-1944)

D/JX 610222Royal Navy HMS Albatross Ordinary Telegraphist

died at age 19
William Fredrick Chaplin Gay/Sutcliffe (1890-1917)

200082Wiltshire Regiment 1st/4th Battalion Lance Sergeant Egypt

died of wounds received in Palestine died at age 27 Egypt
Melville Leonard Gingell (1913-1941)
M LGingell WWII

1625759Royal Artillery 48th Searchlight Gunner

died at age 28 Portsmouth, Hampshire, England
D Gordon (-)
DGordon WWI

A Green (-)
AGreen WWI

joined colours before or during 1914

James Gregory (1885-1917)
JGregory WWI

7007Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 31 France
Lancelot Henry Griffen (1890-1918)
LGriffen WWI

200239Wiltshire Regiment 1st/4th Battalion Private India, Egypt, Palestine

killed in action under heavy shelling; hit by a sniper died at age 28 Palestine
Frederick Leonard Gulley (1905-1940)

1069284Royal Field Artillery 4 Medium Regiment Gunner

ddied sometime between 28/5/1940 and 2/6/1940 died at age 34 France
Frederick George Gulliver (1896-1916)
F GGulliver WWI

18910Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 20 France & Flanders
William Henry Haines (1897-1918)
W HHaines WWI

201551Wiltshire Regiment 4th Battalion Private

died at home of wounds from war in a London military hospital (St Thomas) died at age 20 Lambeth, Greater London, England
Adolphus Arthur Cyril Hardy (1895-1918)
CHardy WWI

204125Wiltshire Regiment 2nd Battalion Corporal France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 22 France
J Harker (-)
JHarker WWII

Henry John Hatherell (1898-1917)
JHatherall WWI

19452Wiltshire Regiment 6th Battalion Bugler; Private France, Belgium

died in base hospital, one month following wounds received in war died at age 19 No 13 General Hospital, Bolougne, France
Albert Edward Adam Hitchings (1890-1917)
AHitchings WWI

22866Machine Gun Corps 21st Company Private France, Belgium

killed in action in shellfire died at age 26 France & Flanders
William Sidney Hobbs (1892-1917)
W SHobbs WWI

18735Dorset Regiment 1st Battalion Lance Corporal France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 25 France & Flanders
Ronald Walter Hole (1920-1944)

5570685Wiltshire Regiment Infanctry Lance Corporal

war-related died at age 23 France
D C Holley (-)
D CHolley WWII

Frank Roland Holloway (1896-1916)
FHolloway WWI

18923Wiltshire Regiment 8th Battalion

consumption, outside in dreadful training conditions died at age 20 Staverton, Wiltshire, England
John Stephen Johnson (1890-1917)
JJohnson WWI

26407Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private

killed in trenches during an advance died at age 27 France and Flanders
J Johnstone (-)
JJohnstone WWII

Henry Thomas Jones (1881-1914)
H FJones WWI

5160Wiltshire Regiment 2nd Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 33 France & Flanders
Percy Edward King (1893-1917)

19576Wiltshire Regiment 6th Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action by a shell striking his head died at age 23 France & Flanders
Herbert Howard Knott (1890-1915)
H HKnott WWI

11122Wiltshire Regiment 2nd Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 24 France & Flanders
Albert Victor Lane (1893-1916)

22732Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private France, Belgium

died of wounds from war died at age 22 Somme, France
Seymour "Jim" Lovell-Hewitt (1908-1940)
SLovell Hewitt POW WWII

91182Royal Warwickshire Infantry 2nd Lieutenant Belgium

died at age 32 Belgium
Roy Douglas Male (1892-1917)

20441Wiltshire Regiment 1st/4th Battalion (Territorial) Private Palestine, Egypt

killed in action died at age 25 Palestine
Walter Lewin Male (1896-1917)

202009Royal Hampshire 1/4th Battalion Private Turkey

killed by bomb in action died at age 21 Bagdad
Philip Charles Henry Margetts (1901-1944)
PMargetts WWII

1414.3738Royal Artillery Gunner

war-related died at age 42 Wiltshire, England
Claude Victor Merchant (1920-1945)
C VMerchant WWII

176835Royal Artillery 164 Heavy Anti Aircraft Unit Gunner Orkneys

accidental mine discharge died at age 25 Dover, Kent, England
David Jonathan Mitchell (1888-1918)
D JMitchell WWI

226961Royal Field Artillery D Battery, 295th Bde Driver France, Belgium

died at age 30 France & Flanders
Stanley Herbert Mizen (1898-1916)
S HMizen WWI

19125Wiltshire Regiment 5th Battalion Private Turkey

killed in action died at age 17 Mesopotamia (Turkey)
Sidney Iver Morse (1897-1915)
S IMorse WWI

10257Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 17 France & Flanders
Sydney Alfred Park (1897-1918)

24520Wiltshire Regiment 6th Battalion Private France, Flanders, Germany

Prisoner of War; pulmonary tuberculosis died at age 20 Germany
Ronald James Park (1918-1946)

Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry Trooper

died at age 28 Melksham, Wiltshire, England
Francis Edgar Payne (1894-1917)
F EPayne WWI

203134Wiltshire Regiment 6th Battalion Lance Corporal France

killed by shell in action died at age 23 France
G Pearce (-)
GPearce WWI

joined colours before or during 1914

Herbert Daniel Pearce (1896-1916)
H DPearce WWI

19522Wiltshire Regiment 5th Battalion Private Turkey

died at age 19 Mesopotamia (Turkey)
Robert Henry "Bob" Pearce (1885-1917)
RPearce WWI

PLY/2031/SRoyal Marine Light Infantry 1st Royal Marine, 188th Brigade Private Belgium

killed in action died at age 32 Passchendaele Ridge, Ypres, Belgium
Edward Pegler (1892-1917)
EPegler WWI

12292Wiltshire Regiment 7th Battalion Private Greece, France

killed in action died at age 25 Salonika, Greece
Thomas Eric "Tom" Plank (1886-1916)
TPlank WWI

19916Devonshire Regiment 8th Battalion Lance Corporal France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 29 France
E R Reynolds (-)
E RReynolds WWI

Herbert Nelson "Bert" Reynolds (1892-1916)
H NReynolds WWI

23661Wiltshire Regiment 2nd Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 24 Somme, France
Arthur Joseph Ricketts (1893-1915)
A JRicketts WWI

10030Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 22 France & Flanders
W Rogers (-)
WRogers WWI

J K Rowland (-)
J KRowland WWI

Albert Edward Scull (1893-1917)
A SScull WWI

22706Wiltshire Regiment 6th Battalion Private France, Belgium

died of wounds from war died at age 24 France & Flanders
Hubert Seager (1891-1914)
HSeager WWI

3/8949Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 23 France & Flanders
A Seviour (-)
ASeviour WWII

Percy Shrapnell (1893-1918)
PShrapnell WWI

306640Royal Warwickshire 1st/7th Battalion Private Italy

killed in action died at age 25 Italy
J L Smith (-)

F Stevens (-)
FStevens WWI

Wiltshire Regiment 1st 4th Battalion India

Frederick Percy Sydee (1895-1918)
FSydee WWI

320417Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry 3rd Reserve Regiment of Hussars Private

invalided with pleurisy and never recovered at Cambridge Military Hospital died at age 23 Aldershot, Southampton, England
W J Taylor (-)
W JTaylor WWII

T L Thompson (-)
T LThompson WWII

Henry John Timbrell (1895-1918)
H JTimbrell WWI

24174Border Regiment 2nd Battalion Private Italy

killed in action died at age 23 Italy
Arthur Usher (1894-1917)
AUsher WWI

9663Wiltshire Regiment 5th Battalion Private Turkey

died of wounds from war died at age 22 Mesopotamia (Turkey)
Harry Vanderstein (1897-1917)
HVanderstein WWI

9669Wiltshire Regiment 2nd Battalion Private France, Belgium, Balkans

killed in action died at age 20 France & Flanders
W F Ward (-)

Albert Percy Weston (1893-1917)
A PWeston WWI

12298Wiltshire Regiment 7th Battalion Private Greece

killed in action died at age 23 Salonika, Greece
R C Whittaker (-)
R CWhittaker WWI

Charles Frederick Williams (1898-1915)
C FWilliams WWI

10966Wiltshire Regiment 1st Battalion Private France, Belgium

died of wounds from war died at age 17 France & Flanders
H O Williams (-)
H OWilliams WWI

Henry Frank Wiltshire (1896-1918)
H FWiltshire WWI

CH/2308/SRoyal Marine Light Infantry 2nd Royal Marine Battalion Private France

missing, assumed dead died at age 22 Somme, France
Frederick Henry Wood (1896-1918)

20570Coldstream Guards 2nd Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 22 France & Flanders
Albert Charles "Bert" Wootten (1897-1916)
A CWootten WWI

18944Wiltshire Regiment 6th Battalion Private France, Belgium

killed in action died at age 19 France